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[linux-distros-dev] Re: SWT: NS_InitEmbedding vs. NS_InitXPCOM


Benjamin Smedberg wrote:


NS_InitXPCOM3 (or 2) instead.  That seemed to solve the issue of building and
basic usage but then we ran into the problem of sites that request the
passwordmanager not working ([1] below).  Also, https sites do not work ([2]
below).  Note that SWT is written in Java so there is some JNI involved.

That sounds like you do not have a profile directory. You must have a
profile directory in order for certain things to work correctly (which
probably includes passwordmanager and SSL).

Yes, exactly.  Andrew is trying to figure out how to set the profile directory.

(I helped Andrew narrow down the problem, but I haven't been involved in the discussion since so forgive me if I'm missing background information.)

The problem is that the Eclipse code to set the profile directory works on the static Firefox build, but doesn't link against Fedora's dynamic Firefox builds. The JNI doesn't link in Fedora because the required objects (from profile/{src,build,dirserviceprovider,pref-migrator}) are not built, specifically because MOZ_SINGLE_PROFILE is defined in the Fedora build. I presume MOZ_SINGLE_PROFILE is not defined in the static build.

Chris, do you know why that's the case? It is possible to build FC-6 Firefox with MOZ_SINGLE_PROFILE undefined (from it looks like this would require also providing xpcom-obsolete)?

Failing that, what is the currently endorsed API that allows an embedding application to set the profile directory used by the embedded brwoser?


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