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Re: [lepido-dev] Technology PMC Project Review

Wayne Beaton wrote:
>> We (the initial contributors) had planned to take a decision 
>> on the future of Lepido, and your message, Wayne, shows that 
>> now's the time to make that decision. I'll report the outcome 
>> of our internal discussions in the coming days.
> Ideally, these discussions should probably be undertaken in the open. This
> is in line with one of the key elements of open source software development:
> transparency.

I may have been misunderstood: the discussion I'm refferring to is about
knowing if my employer wants to dedicate resources to the development of
Lepido. Although I perfectly agree that development should happen in the
open (and I'm actually used to this process for a long time), I consider
that this discussion is not of the kind that can happen in public.


Sylvain Wallez
Apache Software Foundation Member

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