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Re: [lepido-dev] [Fwd: Re: Multipage Editors for Eclipse plugin]


A doc is planned but not yet available. You can use the Sitemap Editor and Cocoon Forms implementation to understand the behavior of the Axe platform.



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Anil Ramnanan a écrit :

Is there any documentation on how to get started with AXE ? I would like to see how useful it would be to build editors for the site.xml and tabs.xml files in an Apache Forrest project.

Anil Ramnanan

Ross Gardler wrote:

I was going to do the very same thing if/when I found the time.

I would recommend that you take a look at the Lepido project [1]. They
have a cool tool called Axe.

"The use of AXE allows to very quickly develop new editors by providing
a declarative approach to building form-oriented editors without
requiring an intimate knowledge of JFace, and by associating form
widgets to XPath expressions in the XML document, thus making it easy to
bidirectionally bind forms to the target source file.

The AXE component has been proposed for inclusion as a new WTP component
and according the the latest WTP PMC report will be eventually included
in WTP 1.1. In the meantime AXE will reside in the Lepido project before
moving to the org.eclipse.wtp namespace." (from

I've played a little with this in their Cocoon Forms editor within
Lepdio - it's cool!

Another benfit of using that will be that we can start to bridge the two
communities, I personally believe Forrest should be leveraged as the
documentation generation system within Lepido and our eclipse plugin is
the way to realise that.


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