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Re: [lepido-dev] Auto Generating forms from XSD

Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

I don't like work and I find I'm doing an increasing amount of work in cocoon forms right now so...

I'd like to build a system that will do the following:

- create form models, templates and bindings from XSD definitions
- create the necessary CRUD flow scripts
- build the webapp

There is more information about the kind of solution I want to build recently added to the Cocoon wiki [1]

I'm pretty sure this is in the scope of the Lepido project. I'm failry new to forms, but think I've grapsed the basics and can move forward with this if folk here are willing to give me oversight. Shall I just get on with it and send in patches?

Please do. Wizards to quickly lay out the basics of an application are definitely in the scope of Lepido, and we'll have several of them targeting the repetitive tasks and frequent application patterns that people encounter when writing applications.

OK, I'm working on this in my "copious" spare time.

First stage would be to create a wizard to build a framework application to do the above. Again, there is one on the Cocoon wiki [2] - should I contact the author regarding donating it to Lepido.

E-Crud looks promising, although I don't know what format the initial model uses (I only had a quick look though). Also, it's GPL'ed.

Yes, I've started working on my own implementation of this because of the GPL license, but the basic ide is the same.

The schema2forms was written by people from Hippo. Arje Cahn and Max Pfingsthorn told me at ApacheCon that they've been working on something more advanced that they plan to donate to Cocoon.

Cool - for now I'l just work with their existing stylesheets.

It's time to ping them about this :-) Arje, Max, what about this stuff?

If nothing comes up here I'll ask on the Cocoon dev lists, obviously we need to collaborate on this.




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