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Re: [jwt-dev] JWT4SOA: Presentation of the Task Engine Framework

Hi all,

Here is a cheap support that could be useful for the presentation.
As you'll understand, it won't be possible for you to test it now, because Frascati is still private.

Let's start in a few minutes!


Charles Souillard a écrit :

If possible, I would like to participate.
My skype login is : charles.souillard


Mickael Istria a écrit :
Hi all,

As you may know, one of the JWT project aim is to leverage SOA in a BPM context. Indeed, efforts have been done to facilitate the design of services calls in a process, and to have a complete use case (from design to runtime) of Workfow and SOA simple collaboration.

This topic will be discussed tomorrow at 3:00pm (Paris/Berlin) via Skype.
Some points to be discussed are:
* The task engine framework
* Implementation on top of Bonita 4.0.1 and Frascati 0.4
* Think about a demonstration scenario for showcases

Anyone interested can join this telco simply by answering to this mail, mentioning his skype login.

jwt-dev mailing list

jwt-dev mailing list

Everything except jwt-transformation-bonita4 plugin requires Maven2. However, since the SCOrWare Maven repository is still private, you won't be able to build (and then) these projects until Frascati 0.5 is released. That should occur in one or 2 weeks...

Task Engine Framework API:
* CVS  org.eclipse.jwt/runtime/task-engine-framework

Implementation of the ServiceProvider using SCorWare:
* SVN branches/scarbo/frascati-service-provider    (user: anonymous/pass: scorware)
Requires the proxy composite generator
* SVN scorware branches/scarbo/wam-TaskEngineFramework-frascati-serviceProvider

Implementation of other interfaces on top of Bonita4, and a hook that shows how to use TEF
* SVN scorware branches/scarbo/wam-TaskEngineFramework-bonita4

JWT to Bonita 4 Bar Archive for WebServices over TEF:
* SVN scorware branches/scarbo/

Eclipse JWT Tooling
* Get a recent milestone or integration build of JWT (update site:

Tools for modeling of web services calls (introspect WSDL with EasyWSDL)
* SVN scorware branches/scarbo/jwt-we-webservices-helpers

JWT to Bonita4 Bar file transformation
* SVN scorware branches/scarbo/jwt-transformation-xpdl-bonita4

* Build all API with Maven (in the order of dependencies)
* run "mvn assembly:assembly" on bonita4-tef project
* Unzip the delivery it produced into Bonita console lib folder
* Model a process with JWT, using WebServiceApplication, and specifying databinding between application and activity data
* Export it as a bar archive with the JWT to Bonita4 Bar for TEF transformation
* Deploy it into JWT
* Try it!

* Frascati still private...
* A bug in Frascati that will be solved into next release make mandatory to have "Service Endpoint Interface" in classpath... 

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