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Re: [jwt-dev] Open source Eclipse plug-in based on JaWE&Shark


License issues make all the code unuseful for you. I could change my license type, but it would not resolve the full problem because the projects used by YAPROC are LGPL and some of them should be required by you.

On the other hand, at this point, your draft is in a very early state.  I would put the frontier of your extesion points before the communication issues to concentrate in what JWT-wam will do (a draft of your extension points capabilities) because the communication layer can be solved by vendors easyly and it has not too much impact from a Eclipse point of view.

Would be nice if JWT-wam (or other JWT subproject) would resolve some dificulties related with other Eclipse technologies. For example: BIRT for reporting, Mylyn to filter processes used by Eclipse projects and include only the relevant for each context, and so on.

I want to apologise if  I'm changing the JWT (JWT-wam) scope:) but I think on JWT as a bridge between workflows and the entire Eclipse platform making easier adopt the Eclipse provided techonolgies for workflow vendors.

Now  I'm asking to myself why are (or would be) the benefits of ussing JWT for Shark. And I can't find a good answer to that question since Shark has resolved in a gracefuly way the main communication issues thus it don't get a clear benefit from using JWT. Maybe things are different for Bonita since JWT is a good exercise to create a new communication API.

Finally I've a question about your current data model for JWT-wam:

* What does mean the Project entity? It seems like projects belong to processes.

Best regards,

2009/1/26 Mickael Istria <mickael.istria@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello Pablo,

Thanks for your interest to JWT and for your advices.
I'll try to spend some time today to take a look at YAPROC to see which interesting features it contains and give you some feedback.

Here are a few comments about JWT that may be interesting for you to know:
* Since JWT is an project, we are not allowed to include into JWT some code or libraries that are under the LGPL or GPL. Only EPL code is allowed on code base, and we can use some code/libs under the BSD, Apache, MIT-like licenses, but it requires the approval by the Eclipse PMC (if you are interested in Eclipse Intellectual Property policy, take a look at this page =>
* JWT-wam (workflow administration and monitoring) is currently only a draft. You can find a few details on the page As you can see, we have a kind of "abstraction layer" that contains some beans to describe the workflow state, and a WorkflowService interface that contains a set of operations to query the workflow engine about runtime data. This API is not definitive since it is often refactored, any comments are welcome ;)
* To link a workflow engine to JWT, the only thing to do is to implement this WorkflowService interface. We currently have an implementation for Bonita v3 with webservices (on SCorWare's private SVN, since we cannot commit it to Eclipse because of license), one with an "embedded" Bonita v4, but we could also think about an implementation directly on databases, thanks to VirtualDB.

Feel free to criticize it if you want to, it is still in progress and any other opinion will help us!


Pablo Beltran a écrit :
YAPROC is a new Eclipse (one moth old) plugin that embeds JaWE & Shark with many nice features like reporting, process viewer at runtime, activity management, graphical history,... and compatible with the XPDL 1.0 specification.
 Now, YAPROC becomes an open source project under the LGPL v3 license terms. Maybe you can re-use some parts in your project.

The plugin, documentation, sources and online demos are available from <>

Likely a very interesting feature for you is the VirtualDB that allows you to integrate differents java technologies into a jdbc driver. It's not a technology from me but I adapted it to be successfully used  to integrate Shark into a new complex UI.

Based in my experience with Shark (which has a quite complex API) and YAPROC (which has a quite complex UI) I would separate UI issues from communication workflow  issues. Mybe you have done this exercise but If not I would like alert to you about potential design limits to build a complex and usable UI based on a workflow communication layer when required functionality grows and grows.

I think now is too soon to implement this kind of solutions in JWT because your actual UI is quite basic but maybe in the near future if you develop new plugin views and you need to relate many of them and many complex filters would be required  to show a lot of information in the Eclipse Workbench in a coherent manner, so maybe this problem arises and you need to resolve it. In this case, VirtualDB is a very suitable technology to solve this kind of problems.
 Best regards,

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