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[jwt-dev] AW: Status

Hi Pierre,

[...] (some discussion had been in private, but the rest is probably
interesting for the others, too)

thanks for this short summary. It's great to hear that you already made
progress with the FactoryRegistry and Bonita on top of JWT. I'm looking
forward to your contribution here (as soon as you refactored everything to
your convenience).

>>from our point of view, extending not only means adding but also removing
some parts, and adapting others. 

Here it would be interesting to know what you are removing or adapting,
since other vendors might see the same necessity, too. I know about the
subclasses of xor/and control node, but those can also get easily
deactivated in the view. What other things did you remove?

I checked out your code from SVN and found it nice to see only "Gateway" or
"Connector" in your Modelisation view (and additionally the fork node in the
runtime view). However, I experienced some exceptions in the properties
What was quite interesting was my result to adapt an existing workflow with
a decision node in the modelisation view (which was not shown of course!).
Therefore I added a gateway and the missing connectors. When switching to
the runtime view (see attached screenshot) now both the new gateway as well
as the still existing DecisionNode (from my UML-view) follow one action,
both have two outgoing edges which both lead to the same following actions.
So probably in order to use existing workflow files a conversion needs to be
applied before. This will be an interesting use case for the JWT converter I
am currently working on (and is closely related to the aspects of Marc D.).

>> Marc B. [...] found some compilation issues with the new JWT versions
that he was unable to solve. He is currently on leave. 

That's exactly what I thought/feared ;-) I would here from you: reports
about exceptions and compilation issues. Once Marc is back, he can easily
ask on the mailing list about the problems and we will try to help him. No
question is a dumb question!

Best regards,


Attachment: Screenshot_DuplicateControlNode.PNG
Description: PNG image

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