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Re: [jwt-dev] Bugs fixed and features included for version 0.5.0

Nice list Florian !

OK for me.


Florian Lautenbacher a écrit :
below please find a list of bug messages and other things we have changed since version 0.4.0 or will change in the upcoming week in order to come to version 0.5.0. Could you please have a look at the list whether I've been missing something and whether there are already bugs that describe the features now numbered by XXXXXX?. I already tried to summarize the several topics into one main point in order to present it easier in the release review slides. Any feedback and changes here is welcome, too.
Best regards,
[201185] bug when manipulating reference-edges when the corresponding scope is not displayed
[201186] Problems handling connections
[201188] rewrite ReferenceEdge code
[205155] Edges are still displayed if resizing a StructuredActivityNode
-> Bugs concerning connections
[207000] add offset to pasted objects
[215151] bug when copying, cutting, pasting connections
[216521] cuttoclipboard acts as delete command
[238879] add feadback figure when inserting objects
-> Better handling of copy and paste
[214897] Colors in the graphical editor
[238880] add shadow to figures
[238882] improve quality of several figures/figure icons
[239408] Allow several routers
-> Improved workflow editor with colors
[221646] Load from URL does not work
[221647] „Save as“ does not work
[223607] Ganymede: Unable to open files
-> Improved load and save possibilites in the workflow editor
[225706] Extend views with different figures
[238259] Add extension point for views
[XXXXX] Extension point for additional property tabs? {Bug seems to be missing} -> View extension point: additional figures, customized figures, added UML view
[240499] Add of an extension point to customise PropertyEditor
[240502] Add an extension point for changeNotification
[247917] ExternalActions don‘t listen to model selection changes
-> Possibility to customize the property editor and listen to changes in the model
[221479] Language pack: French
-> Integration of other languages (French)
XXXXXX {Bug to be created}
-> Possibility to add other tabs in the multitabeditor from external plugins
XXXXXX {Bug to be created}
-> Have a common basis for transformations and use it in several transformations such as JWT to BPMN or JWT to XPDL.
XXXXX {Bug to be created}
-> List of views now available in a dropdownbox in the toolbar, not fixed anymore
[238402] Zoom problems: nullpointerexception and enablement error
[238404] Aborting a drag of a scope from outline to editor affects the commandstack
[238405] drag and drop in the outline view
[238884] exception when renaming elements which are not shown in the graphical editor
[238885] add external functions to context menu
[241934] NullPointerException when switching between JWT and development Eclipse
[241936] (catched) npe when setting an edge‘s target
[242203] Silent NullPointerException when cancelling New Workflow from Wizard
[201193] add tutorial to plugin
-> Several minor bug fixes

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