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Re: [jwt-dev] Changing toolbar for BPMN

Hi Pierre

I forgot something important.

If you change the basic semantics (core node types and their connection) of the workflow model, you defeat JWT's purpose : for examplen if you give such a semantic-specific model to another JWT-based tool, it won't be able to work with it or even understand it.

That's why creating new node types is discouraged.

And for the same reason, changing node multiplicity must be carefully considered as well : for example, allowing many outputs from an Action node is actually the same as an Action node followed by a Fork node with as many outputs ; and other tools (or plugins, like workflow export plugins) expecting such a Fork node surely won't expect many outputs from an Action node.

There are many ways to obtain either a "pure" BPMN editor, out of JWT, including customizable input and output node connections, new node types, but also displaying the two nodes (Action and Fork) on top of each other, or deciding to support a "non pure" version of BPMN but still letting the user add two nodes in a single Palette drag and drop (with a configurable Palette).

So we should discuss and agree on how this case should be handled in JWT, so other JWT based tools or plugins will be aware of it ! Everyone else, your input is welcome.


Marc Dutoo a écrit :
Hi Pierre

Indeed, jwt-we is the place to start !

Here is some starting information that should be useful for a vendor, so you can build your own tool on JWT. It should really go to the wiki ;)

JWT is basically
  * UI : a GEF diagram editor
* UI : as well as an Outline and Property View editor provided by EMF.edit (EMF's edition framework) * model : built on top of an EMF model, meaning EMF is quite central to JWT * the whole being an eclipse plugin, meaning it can benefit of other plugins, and can be extended along defined extension points (see plugin.xml 's extension point tab).

About JWT's EMF :
* EMF's conf is at jwt-we/src/org/eclipse/jwt/we/model/WEMetaModel.ecore * EMF.edit is configurable in jwt-we/src/org/eclipse/jwt/we/model/WEMetaModel.genmodel * EMF and EMF.edit generated classes are in src/org/eclipse/jwt/model , so don't code too much there ;)

How to extend JWT :

As an entry point, see (to be completed). It talks about (External) Actions, Views and Property Sheet tabs.

1. Adding information in the workflow model :

To add specific technical or business information on workflow nodes, define and use your own aspects, or use their simplest form : DynamicProperty . [uses specific workflow configuration editable in the outline, advanced uses require plugin definition and EMF definition, possibly EMF java coding]

They are editable in the Outline and the Property View. Custom UI also can be developed and made available in the node's Property View.
[requires plugin definition and SWT UI java coding]

See features at and (older) .

Note : still in branch, being merged in the trunk.

1.bis Creating new node types :

DISCLAIMER : We STRONGLY discourage creating new node types, because we think it is important to standardize on a small, meaningful set of nodes, and rather add specific properties or features using aspects.

You could create additional new workflow node types either in another EMF metamodel using EMF child extenders, or changing the core JWT EMF metamodel (which is BAD PRACTICE). [requires plugin definition and EMF definition, possibly EMF java coding]]

2. Changing which nodes are displayed and how :

To change which nodes are displayed and how, define and use your own JWT View, using the JWT View file swing editor (available in the we/jwt-view project). [uses specific file configuration]

To change icons and figures using views, I guess you've already looked how it works at , where you can find a sample UML view with custom figures (thanks to Florian). [requires plugin definition and java coding]

3. Enriching your model's behaviour using EMF :

EMF allows you to enrich existing behaviour of your model, by being an Adapter (and INotifyListener) and hooking up on model events. For example, in the METAMODELEXT branch, when an element is created, the AspectEventManager automatically creates subelements (aspects) according to its configuration :

And listening to those events is as simple as adding your Adapter to the root ItemProvider AdapterFactory, as described in WEEditor.createEmfEditingDomain() here :

               // adding aspectsEventManager
INotifyChangedListener aspectEventAdapter = Aspects.getInstance().getAspectEventManager();

Finally, even the model java code that has been generated by EMF can be possibly edited and reprogrammed.

However, all that it is limited by
* what your model says it can do (see its definition in jwt-we/src/org/eclipse/jwt/we/model/WEMetaModel.ecore with the EMF editor), though aspects (or even EMF child extenders) can enrich it, * and what the GEF editor is programmed for, though it is extensible (views), or can be reprogrammed, or even made more extensible.

[requires java coding]

4. Adding UI actions in the toolbar :

To add (External) Actions in the toolbar, see
[requires plugin definition and java coding]

5. Others - reprogramming FAQ, or extension wishlist :

4. Changing output / input node limit

Fortunately ActivityNode's model can have multiple output and inputs. So you just have to modify the GEF editor. In jwt-we/src/ , you can see :
public ActionEditPart() {
So by changing the maximum set, you can let it have more connections !
[requires java coding, could be made configurable in a plugin]

4.2 Adding new elements to the palette

As you've found it (congratulations !), EMF model elements are added to the palette in the Palette class in this way :
addPaletteDrawer(<palette group>, <EMF class>);
So you can add your own this way.

Note that this means that you must have such an EMF element to add... Read on :

As you've understood after reading 1. and 1.bis, the best way would be to define an aspect and make it autocreated on an existing workflow node type, ex. Action. However this aspect will therefore be on ALL such nodes. So it is a good way to customize an existing node type (ex. all Actions must have the BonitaEventHookAspect), but not to provide a way to create a differently enriched type of node (ex. so there would be in the palette an Action entry, but also an Action With Log that uses a log aspect entry).

To achieve the last one, we could make Palette "aspects-aware" and configurable in a plugin.

For now, the only solution would be to wait for it... and try it out by defining a new identical type in the JWT metamodel (or as EMF child extender) ;)

[requires EMF and java coding, could be made configurable in a plugin]


Pierre Vigneras a écrit :
Dear all,

I would like to change the toolbar of JWT in order to provide BPMN icons and concepts. I have some questions about where to start from (considering the big number of JWT Eclipse sub-projects, and their relevant packages). I suppose that the good place to start with is the jwt.we package.

There, I found the Palette class where the following code :

addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, ProcessesPackage.Literals.ACTION);
addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, ProcessesPackage.Literals.INITIAL_NODE); addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, ProcessesPackage.Literals.FINAL_NODE);
        addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, EventsPackage.Literals.EVENT);
addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, ProcessesPackage.Literals.FORK_NODE); addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, ProcessesPackage.Literals.JOIN_NODE); addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, ProcessesPackage.Literals.DECISION_NODE); addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, ProcessesPackage.Literals.MERGE_NODE); addPaletteDrawer(activityGroup, ProcessesPackage.Literals.GUARD);

Brings me to the EMF components : ProcessesPackage.Literals interface. My question is: if we want to modify not only the icon (UML to BPMN) but also the behavior (for example: a node (task) can have multiple incoming/outgoing edges (transitions)) how can we implement that behavior? Should we use inheritance, or is there a standard (EMF) way of extending (means not only adding things, but
also modify/speciale existing things) the JWT model?

Thanks for your help.

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