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Re: AW: [jwt-dev] JWT transformations framework


Thanks Florian, I personally agree with what you say, now my 2 cents :

OK for puttin "-", and I'd even say "stub" at the end rather than at the
begining (so jwt-transformation-stub) so it is consistent with
jwt-transformatin-base ^^

jwt-transformation-base (the transformtion framework, but not a
transformation implementation in itself) and -stub (a trivial
transformation implementation) were not planned in the original layout,
since we didn't foresee the transformation framework back then.


On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 10:29:25 +0100, Mickael Istria
<mickael.istria@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Florian Lautenbacher a écrit :
>> Hi Mickael,
> Hi
>> thanks for upload the transformation framework plugin into CVS. 
>> Some minor comments to it:
>> -in the transformations folder in CVS there is now a bin,src,icons,etc.
>> folder as well as two subfolders jwt-stubTransformation and
>> jwt-transformation-base. Are these folders necessary and if yes, what do
>> they contain? Concerning the writing of projects: we started with
> jwt-we,
>> wam, etc. so maybe we could also write stub-transformation instead of
>> stubTransformation?
> Just jwt-stubTransformation and jwt-transformation-base are needed. 
> Other folders are due to an error from me. But I didn't succeed to 
> remove them from CVS. Indeed, when I check out, I can't see empty 
> folders, so that I can't delete them...
> It did the same thing when I renamed jwt-stubTransformation into 
> jwt-stub-transformation. (By the way, I am used to SVN, that's why I 
> make so many mistakes with CVS. Sorry! I'll try to improve my skills in 
> CVS as fast as possible ;)
>> Is the part jwt-compatibility not needed anymore? After my discussions
> with
>> Marc I thought that all kinds of transformations such as jwt-bpmn or
>> jwt-xpdl should be stored there? So I thought that the transformation
> base
>> (which is the base for other transformations such as jwt-bpmn) would be
>> stored there, too?
> We thought that compatibility was too large, and that transformations 
> would be a clearer name for this module. Compatibility is a very 
> abstract name, it may include transformations, but also other things 
> that we don't have in mind yet. That's why we chose transformations for 
> the module name.
>> -could you please provide a license-file in the project as well as an
>> about.html? I learned today in a tutorial at EclipseCon that this is
>> necessary in all projects or components. 
> I'll add it when this mail is finished.
>> -Since Mickael is a committer, he has the possibility to upload any code
> to
>> the CVS without IP check. However, since this is a new component
>> (transformations), I guess we should open a bug in IPZilla via the
> portal
>> and request to use this (should not take that long since the project is
> very
>> small). This would prevent us from having problems sometimes later on.
> OK. Is my next step to submit a CQ by clicking "request" on my portal, 
> or is there anything to do before?
>> -I'm unsure about the version number and provider of the Plugin:
> normally I
>> wouldn't say that the first attempt/release of some plugin has already
>> version 1.0.0! I would guess more something like 0.1. What do you think
>> about that? Would the provider be JWT? Or shall we write
> You're right. I corrected it. I also wrote as provider, as 
> it is the case in jwt-we.
>> -On the Wiki you say that transformation to XPDL still has some errors!?
> Are
>> they due to the "transformation framework" or due to wrong templates?
> Errors come from the XSLT transformation itself. Guillaume is working on 
> it, and it should be commited soon.
>> Best regards,
>> Florian
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im
>> Auftrag von Mickael Istria
>> Gesendet: 17 March 2008 14:19
>> An: Java Workflow Toolbox
>> Betreff: [jwt-dev] JWT transformations framework
>> Hello,
>> I committed the transformation framework plugin, and a stub
> transformations
>> that uses it.
>> JWT-XPDL and JWT-BPMN transformations should come a little later.
>> I wrote a wiki page about transformations,
>> Feel free to criticize it as much as it deserves it!
>> Regards,
>> Mickaël
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> Regards,
> Mickaël
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