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Re: [jubula-dev] Snow Leopard can't connect to default database

Hi Ryan,

I'm not aware of any incompatibilities that would cause problems with the H2 database on Mac. Are you using the ITE or a command line tool (dbtool or testexec)? Can you provide the log file located in $HOME/.jubula/logs/client.log?

Additionally, if this is more of a user question (i.e. not extending Jubula or building your product on top of Jubula, but instead testing your product with Jubula), then I would recommend posting in our user forums:

 - Zeb

On 16.04.2012 22:51, Goetz, Ryan R (317J) wrote:
I am trying to use your software with a product we are developing. For some reason when I try to create a new project Jabula can't connect the the default hg database on my mac.
Any ideas why?

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