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Re: [jnosql-dev] [] Approval announcemens

Something missing.

Moving most or all of them (both implementation and spec) to is still pending, but the project metadata has already been created under


Look wrong, so far JNoSQL had Apache 2 as secondary license, this should not be a problem because e.g. Jakarta Batch (also new, but only at EE4J, it was already in Java EE 8) has Apache 2 as the only license.


The logo is also questionable, I was under the impression, the Duke image may not be used for Jakarta EE Specs, but unless that changed, I’m sure it will be fixed soon.




From: Werner Keil
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 21:15
To: Oliver Drotbohm; Jakarta specification committee
Cc: aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; jnosql developer discussions
Subject: Re: [jnosql-dev] [] Approval announcemens




What should

  • An OSS project without a git Repo is a red flag not only for coders but users

even mean?


Every (new) specification should end up under

There have been multiple JNoSQL repositories under the “Technology” umbrella already  Moving most or all of them (both implementation and spec) to


I was asked to give updates to the Spec Committee about Jakarta NoSQL for some time now, and the reason it took so many months was to my understanding legal and paperwork stuck at Tomitribe (Amelia and David should know that best? ;-O)


The Specification Committee approved it (again it was already months ago, until then it was lost in administration mainly Tomitribe’s, others including myself had everything in place months ago) and only a few days ago all the legal obstacles finally seem to have been overcome. I hope it works more smoothly for other specs, at least JSR 382 was withdrawn now (after it even took the trouble to submit a Public Review) but I can’t predict how long that’s gonna take before it turns into a Jakarta EE Specification if it even does (because there’s also some MicroProfile stuff, much of the migration is totally uncharted and hard to predict how many months that’ll take, but that’s another spec)





From: Amelia Eiras
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 20:49
To: Oliver Drotbohm
Cc: Jakarta EE Community; Jakarta EE WorkingGroup
Subject: Re: [] Approval announcemens


As usual Oliver, 


You are pretty fantastic with feedback not only applicable to the NoSQL contributors’ community but the entire ecosystem of the Jakarta EE family. Thank YOU for being awesome YOU!


Let me add more to this very topic on things I would like to see b/c thus far I don’t know were the code for the project is hosted.  


  • An OSS project without a git Repo is a red flag not only for coders but users


Lastly, if this project community or any other project under the EE4J family continues to choose to privately - communicate AND drop the expected and required OSS dev-list that are made available under each EE4J Project, we will continue to add a pathetic unnecesary debt.  We should be disciplined via actions and iterations to drop “private exchanges” and use the OSS process and not make it bigger than us, doing so brings short and term value to all, old contributors and new comers. Users and Coders alike! 


Informing stuff in OSS sucks, as it states the YOU and US mentality, barriers distract and lead to nothing.  


Happy Friday everyone, 


Note: I took the liberty to add to CC the Jakarta EE Community email [+760 subscribers] while WG email only has +220 subscribers. 



On Jun 14, 2019, at 9:34 AM, Oliver Drotbohm <ogierke@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Hi all,

can someone clarify how announcements like this [0] come to be? I've read up in the minutes of the committee meetings, been following all JNoSQL related mailing lists, gave feedback and tried to follow the project as close as possible. Still I haven't seen any public discussion about this and am surprised to see projects announced as "approved". Given the name of "Jakarta NoSQL" does that mean it's going to be come a spec?

This kind of development has had precedence in September last year [1] when again the project was announced as first JakartaEE specification without any formal backing of this. Is the new mode of operation we have to expect for JakartaEE? Vendors announcing projects by them being a standard without any kind of public trail in the first place?

I've brought this up in a smaller round before and am surprised to see that MO being used again. This makes a very bad impression on the process in the first place as – no matter how much the new openness is praised publicly – it's fundamentally subverted by the actual decisions either not being made in the way documented or the decision process not being documented as proposed. Why am I supposed to get involved in the public channels if decisions like those are made at will?

Maybe I just got lost in the amount of mailing lists and missed the communication around this. Any insights appreciated.


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