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Re: [jetty-users] Setting text/javascript encoding to utf8 with Jetty 10.0.16

Per the _javascript_ RFC, the `text/_javascript_` mime-type has an optional `charset` parameter.
The behavior is documented at

Essentially, if the charset is unspecified, then the encoding is UTF-8.

> the encoding is unfortunately not set to utf8 (like it is for the served json files).

For JSON, the charset parameter is not used.
Per spec, JSON is always UTF-8.

In Jetty, the json encoding is specified as an assumed UTF-8.
This means the `charset` parameter is not produced when generating the `Content-Type` header, and is ignored when parsing the `Content-Type` header.

 > Is there a way to enforce that without compiling a custom version of Jetty?

You can customize the in-place `MimeTypes` for a context.


servletContextHandler.getMimeTypes().addMimeMapping("txt", "text/_javascript_;charset=UTF-8");
webappContext.getMimeTypes().addMimeMapping("txt", "text/_javascript_;charset=UTF-8");

or, If you have a WEB-INF/web.xml in your webapp, you can add a `<mime-mapping>` entry.


Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 5:02 AM Alexander Farber via jetty-users <jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am using Jetty 10.0.16 and when it serves static _javascript_ files (I have Consts-en.js, Consts-de.js, Consts-fr.js, ...) the encoding is unfortunately not set to utf8 (like it is for the served json files).

Is there a way to enforce that without compiling a custom version of Jetty?

I have searched on the internet and also here:

# find /usr/share/java/jetty-home-10.0.16 -type f -iname \*.prop\*

Thank you for any hints

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