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Re: [jetty-users] Understanding AsyncMiddleManServlet request lifecycle


On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 11:56 PM, Steven Schlansker
<stevenschlansker@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm trying to extend the Requests created by my Awesome Jetty Based Proxy 2.0 to include company specific metadata.
> I instrument it before sending it off to the base impl:
> @Override
> public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
>     final ProxyContext ctx = new ProxyContext(req, resp, ...);
>     request.setAttribute(PROXY_CONTEXT, ctx);
>     LOG.debug("context instrumented '{}': {}", ServletUtil.uriIncludingQueryString(request), request);
>     super.service(req, resp);
> }
> @Override
> protected void onProxyResponseSuccess(HttpServletRequest clientRequest, HttpServletResponse proxyResponse, Response serverResponse) {
>     super.onProxyResponseSuccess(clientRequest, proxyResponse, serverResponse);
>     if (clientRequest.getAttribute(PROXY_CONTEXT) == null) {
>         LOG.debug("No proxy context on {}", ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(clientRequest));
>     }
> }
> This code leads to:
> DEBUG [default-pool-22] c.o.f.p.AwesomeJettyProxy20 - context instrumented '...': Request(GET //XXX/...)@b8d137b
> DEBUG [default-pool-44] c.o.f.p.AwesomeJettyProxy20 - No proxy context on org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request@b8d137b[_channel=HttpChannelOverHttp@42d3f47d{r=12,c=false,a=IDLE,uri=null},_requestAttributeListeners=[],_input=HttpInputOverHTTP@4c140257[c=0,q=0,[0]=null,s=STREAM],_metaData=<null>,_originalURI=<null>,_contextPath=<null>,_servletPath=<null>,_pathInfo=<null>,_secure=false,_asyncNotSupportedSource=<null>,_newContext=false,_cookiesExtracted=false,_handled=false,_contentParamsExtracted=false,_requestedSessionIdFromCookie=false,_attributes={},_authentication=NOT CHECKED,_characterEncoding=<null>,_context=<null>,_cookies=<null>,_dispatcherType=<null>,_inputState=0,_queryParameters=<null>,_contentParameters=<null>,_parameters=<null>,_queryEncoding=<null>,_reader=<null>,_readerEncoding=<null>,_remote=<null>,_requestedSessionId=<null>,_scope=<null>,_session=<null>,_sessionHandler=<null>,_timeStamp=0,_multiPartInputStream=<null>,_async=<null>]
> Note that the Request object has the same Object hashCode b8d137b as the initial one.  However, all fields -- not just the attributes -- are observed to be null.
> It sure looks like the request object is getting recycled before the callback is being invoked.  But that seems crazy!  How am I to do anything with it if all fields are nulled out first?

You are mistakenly calling super.onProxyResponseSuccess(...) _before_
pulling out the PROXY_CONTEXT attribute.

Method onProxyResponseSuccess() is called when the server-to-proxy
response is successful, and what it does is to call
AsyncContext.complete() to complete the proxy-to-client response.

Just call super _after_ your logic.

> Relatedly, I am finding that not all my incoming requests exit via onClientRequestFailure / onProxyResponse{Failure,Success}.  In particular I have an "in flight" count that is incremented on service() and decremented on each of those three callbacks -- and the number increases continually.

That is not expected, but please make it work properly and try again.
If you see the same behavior, then it's something we want to investigate.

> It's possible this is related to the loss of attributes.  But assuming I get that figured out, is it expected that *all* requests that begin will exit through one of these three paths?  If not, is there a callback I can register that will get called when the request ends, no matter what failure it encounters?  Maybe Expect: 100-continue adds some confusion here as well, will there be multiple "exits" for a single "entry"?

Those 3 should be all the failure paths. 100-continue should not matter.

Simone Bordet
Developer advice, training, services and support
from the Jetty & CometD experts.

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