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Re: [jetty-users] Long processing time before HttpConnection.onFillable invoked

Server: 8 cores, 30 G memory
Jetty: 9.2x
Acceptor: 4 (default was 2, tried to increase to see difference but no help)
Selector: 16 (default was 8, tried to increase to see difference but no help)
Executor: 48

That seems backwards for your desired goal.

Go with.
Acceptors: 1
Selectors: 4
ThreadPool: QueuedThreadPool  (Don't use Executor for high load configurations)

With your memory configuration you should be on Java 8 and Jetty 9.4.6.

Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 3:59 PM, Jing Yang <jingisgood@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi There,

I noticed this issue during high load. A very simple example, I ran

curl "http://localhost:8080/heath"

it returned in 10+ seconds; however when I look at the request log, the latency is logged as tens of milli seconds. I profiled my server and qtp threads are not under heavy load.

I turned on debug and found the following:

19:09:26.632:DBUG:oeji.SelectChannelEndPoint:qtp1963485345-43-selector-ServerConnectorManager@14a6d5e4/2: Key interests updated 1 -> 0 on SelectChannelEndPoint@199c8743{/<->8080,Open,in,out,R,-,7/30000,HttpConnection}{io=1,kio=0,kro=1}
19:09:26.633:DBUG:oeji.SelectChannelEndPoint:qtp1963485345-43-selector-ServerConnectorManager@14a6d5e4/2: Local interests updating 1 -> 0 for SelectChannelEndPoint@199c8743{/<->8080,Open,in,out,R,-,8/30000,HttpConnection}{io=0,kio=0,kro=1}
19:09:26.633:DBUG:oeji.SelectorManager:qtp1963485345-43-selector-ServerConnectorManager@14a6d5e4/2: Queued change$1@1712a18
19:09:26.633:DBUG:oeji.AbstractConnection:qtp1963485345-43-selector-ServerConnectorManager@14a6d5e4/2: FILL_INTERESTED-->FILLING HttpConnection@44ced19c{FILLING}
19:09:26.634:DBUG:oeji.SelectorManager:qtp1963485345-43-selector-ServerConnectorManager@14a6d5e4/2: Running change$1@1712a18

but after this, the onfillable happens after 10 seconds:

19:09:37.006:DBUG:oeji.ChannelEndPoint:qtp1963485345-5349: filled 99 SelectChannelEndPoint@199c8743{/<->8080,Open,in,out,-,-,10381/30000,HttpConnection}{io=0,kio=0,kro=1}

Can any please help me fiture out what exactly happened after the HttpConnection turns into FILLING state and what caused the onfillable to be invoked after 10+ seconds?

My environment:
Server: 8 cores, 30 G memory
Jetty: 9.2x
Acceptor: 4 (default was 2, tried to increase to see difference but no help)
Selector: 16 (default was 8, tried to increase to see difference but no help)
Executor: 48


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