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[jetty-users] configuring jmx-remote module to use SSL

There was a thread back in February, where I recieved terrific help
about standing up a JMX interface over SSL.

I'm now exploring a varient of that topic, using the 'jmx-remote'
module instead of the 'jmx' module.

This seems straightforward, based on this document:

However, I'm running 9.3.8.v20160314, and the 9.3.x version of this
doc doesn't call out SSL at all:

When I try to employ the 9.4.x convention on my 9.3.x service, it
blows up, perhaps unsurpisingly:

    2017-06-21 21:23:47.862:WARN:oejx.XmlConfiguration:main: Config error at
  <Call name="addBean"><Arg>|?<New id="ConnectorServer"
  class="org.eclipse.jetty.jmx.ConnectorServer"><Arg>|    <New
  type="java.lang.String">rmi</Arg><Arg type="java.lang.String"/><Arg
  refid="sslContextFactory"/></Arg></New>|    </Arg></Call>
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: No suitable constructor: <New
  id="ConnectorServer" class="org.eclipse.jetty.jmx.ConnectorServer"><Arg>

Is there a 9.3.x mechanism for configuring the 'jmx-remote' module
to use SSL?

Brian Reichert				<reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
BSD admin/developer at large	

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