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Re: [jetty-users] Using jetty-quickstart when Jetty is embedded

Thanks Jan,

Hope you're looking at more recent documentation that that link :)  The
current doco is here:

Somehow Google always seems to have trouble getting me to the ‘right’ jetty doc :)
Thanks for the pointer though. I included the link only to ensure what I meant by ‘embedded’ was clear, which it sounds like it is either way.
You might try looking at this class for some hints:

Yeah, I found that one, and was able to run it with a simple groovy script…

    @Grab(group='org.eclipse.jetty', module='jetty-quickstart', version='9.3.11.v20160721')

import org.eclipse.jetty.quickstart.PreconfigureQuickStartWar;

PreconfigureQuickStartWar.main(“webapp.war”, “/tmp/processed");

Which does indeed unpack the war and produce the WEB-INF/quickstart-web.xml file alongside the normal web.xml.

However, I’m a bit unclear on where to go from there - Does Jetty pick that file up by default, or do I need to tell it to do so somehow? If it does pick it up by default, come to think of it, could I generate that quickstart-web.xml into my .war at build time and then do nothing to the actual running jetty side?


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