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Re: [jetty-users] JettyMavenHelloWarApp not found when deployed as .war (obscured by FastCGI)


On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 10:25 PM, Joakim Erdfelt <joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Looks like its working as designed to me ...

I see the HelloServlet response.

Keep in mind your URL follows this general pattern ...


So in your case ...

scheme = http
host+port =
contextPath = /hello-world-0.1-SNAPSHOT
servlet-url-pattern = /hello
pathInfo = <null>
query = <null>

I am confused, why the example works as when run by "mvn jetty:run" and at the same time same example has to be called as when copied as WAR-file into $JETTY/webapps

Why does the path change?

But my real question is what would be please the best way to specify a path like "/hello" (or "/ws") when developing a WAR-file?

I would like to develop my project in NetBeans and copy the produced WAR-file to the Linux-server (and maybe try to connect to it remotely as described at )

I have read but I am still not sure, what would be the best method for specifying context (like "/hello" or "/ws") and vritual host for my WAR-file...

Best regards

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