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[jetty-users] Mixing jetty versions


I have two questions:

I have a library which uses the jetty websocket client from version 9.2.15 and I want to use this library in a Java application that uses embedded jetty of version 9.2.9 (which I have no control over).

The problem here is that they both rely on different versions of jetty-util and jetty-io.
I tried using the 9.2.15 websocket client jars with the 9.2.9 jetty-io and jetty-util and it *seems* to work fine, but is this really legal?

Similarly, I would like to use the same library in a servlet that runs on a standalone jetty of version 8.1.x.

Is there a way for me to use the 9.2.15 reliant libs in the servlet in such a way that it won't conflict with the 8.1.x jetty?


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