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Re: [jetty-users] Reload Logging Configuration While Running

Jetty has its own logging infrastructure that predates log4j, commons-logging, java.util.logging, etc ... (Jetty is 20 years old this year)

Built-in, there's no such logging reload feature to Jetty.

However, we do provide a means to configure the internal logging to emit to slf4j-api, and at that point your logging infrastructure of choice kicks in, complete with all of the bells and whistles that your chosen logging layer performs.

log4j 1.2+ and 2.x is an available option for an implementation of slf4j-api.
As are slf4j itself, commons-logging, logback, and java.util.logging, you can even choose to capture all 5 logging frameworks and route them to a single framework that slf4j handles. (that's one of the many powerful features of slf4j)

We tend to recommend logback over log4j 1.2 (but log4j 2.x is looking mighty nice)

Note however, that any of the mentioned logging here is for the server/container itself, not for webapps you deploy within the container.
Those have their own logging.

Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 1:21 PM, Steven Katz <steven.katz@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We are thinking about switching from JBoss AS (6.1.0) to Jetty (9.X) as our servlet container.  With JBoss I can modify my log4j configuration file and have it take effect while the system is running.  Does Jetty provide this capability?

Also, does Jetty support using log4j.xml instead of


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