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Re: [jetty-users] How to catch HTTP2 "101 switching protocol" messages ?


On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Pierre De Rop <pierre.derop@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> We are using in our product an http load balancer which dispatches http
> messages to remote http agents that are internally using Jetty 9.3.0. So we
> have developed a specific Jetty Connector that extends
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector and allows to connect our Jetty
> based http agent instances to the load balancer.
> Now, in the context of HTTP2, we are facing the following issue:
> - When an HTTP2 client sends an initial request using basic HTTP/1.1 with
> some upgrade headers ("Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings", "Upgrade: h2c"
> etc ...), then Jetty (that is running in remote http agents) is first
> responding with a "101 Switching Protocol" in order to start communicating
> over the new HTTP2 protocol.
> - So, for technical reasons, when a Jetty Container is about to send the 101
> switching protocol, we need to be informed about the 101 message *before* it
> is actually  sent to the load balancer.

Can you expand on why you need this ?
What are you going to do if you could be informed of the 101s ?

Why your clients even use the upgrade mechanism ?

Simone Bordet
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