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[jetty-users] embedded jetty resourcebase within jar

Hi All

I'm trying to get an embedded jetty to serve static fiiles (html, js etc.) from within the actual jar.

So I do this:

ServletHolder staticServlet = context.addServlet(DefaultServlet.class, "/*");
staticServlet.setInitParameter("resourceBase", "src/main/webapp");
//should it be this?
//staticServlet.setInitParameter("resourceBase", "src/main/resources/webapp");

The problem is I don't seem to be able to get it to work. Firstly, I cannot get the folder src/main/webapp into the jar. 

Here's the pom attached where I've tried to include the static files via the /build/resources elements..

Secondly, I'm not sure if you can refer to files that are within the jar file like this - I know when i refer to a valid path on disk the html renders once the embedded jetty starts up - so, can you refer to the path within the jar, and if so is the above correct?

I appreciate your assistance


<project xmlns=""; xmlns:xsi="";






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