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[jetty-users] Anyone have an ssl cert from godaddy working?

Hi all,

I'm trying to get an ssl certificate from godaddy working with my jetty instance, following the instructions here:

I'm going the keytool route, so this is what I'm doing:

1. keytool -keystore keystore -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA

2. keytool -certreq -alias jetty -keystore keystore -file jetty.csr

3. I send jetty.csr to godaddy, I get back:


4. keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias godaddy -file randomhash.crt -trustcacerts

And I get prompted to trust the cert, I do, and all seems well. I give the cert to a jetty instance, but the browser still stays the cert is not trusted.

I did this for another domain a year ago with godaddy and it worked ok, though I got two different files back from godaddy back then:


and I had to take an extra step of importing the godaddy cert into my keystore as well (this wasn't spelled out in the jetty docs, I think I had to google around for it), something like:

4. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias godaddy -keystore keystore -file gd_bundle.crt 

5. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias jetty -keystore keystore -file randomhash.crt

but the last step today now produces an error from keytool:

keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply

Any ideas would be really welcome, I'm waiting for a response from godaddy but figured maybe someone else ran into this here.


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