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Re: [jetty-users] Cleaning temp directory

Il 21/02/2014 15:17, Joakim Erdfelt ha scritto:
persistTempDirectory is for the webapp temp directory.
That is checked on webapp stop (such as server shutdown, or manual webapp stop, or even webapp redeployment)

As for the File.deleteOnExit(), that's a classlib / jvm feature, if it isn't working for you, then you have bigger concerns. Namely that java itself cant do what its designed to do.

Taking a look on my Fedora 20 and Ubuntu 12.04 machines with thousands of jetty starts I have 0 ${}/start*.properties files at the moment.

I even have setup in different ways depending on the configuration I'm working with at the moment. Some as start scripts, some as upstart, some as sysvinit, some as systemd, some from command line, some from start.ini, even some from start.d. A full scan of the filesystems for start*.properties also shows no relevant hits.

I suppose my issue is related to upstart, if I manually start jetty through command line the file .properties is correctly deleted when I stop the jvm......

Andrea Cappelli

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