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Re: [jetty-users] Tracking down invalidated session

On 18/02/2014 18:33, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:
if your sessionList.get() call and sessionList.remove() call are on different
threads you might just be hitting some standard concurrency issues.

In other words, imagine this order of events with 2 threads:

T1 - sessionList.get()
T2 - sessionList.remove()
T1 - session.getAttribute()

Thanks for the amazingly fast reply!

I was just looking at this possibility, but I don't think it's the reason here. If it was, you'd expect that the next time I looked at the list of logged-in users that the invalid session had been removed. However, trying to access the servlet that displays the list consistently gives me the same error.

I haven't restarted the system (only the system manager can access the page that shows who's logged in, and that's me!) so I'm waiting for a quiet time to restart when hopefully no-one else is logged in. Meanwhile, every so often I try again, and the same thing happens every time.

I'm still investigating, but please let me know if you have any other ideas...

Thanks again,
John English

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