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Re: [jetty-users] Compiling jsp

Il 13/02/2014 11:19, John English ha scritto:
On 13/02/2014 10:56, Andrea Cappelli wrote:
Hi list,
I have a webapp which needs to compile some jsp

I'm using

java version "1.7.0_45"

I had the same problem with JDK 1.7 some time ago, and it seems you need to set BOTH the compilerSourceVM and compilerTargetVM init params. Try putting this in your web.xml (or in webdefault.xml):

Hi John,
thank for you reply, but seems that putting these directive in web.xml doesn't solve my problem

After some other test I can summarize as follows

1) The problem is that tools.jar (from JDK's lib) is not in classpath
2) starting jetty with --lib=/path/to/tools.jar solved the issue

I tried to start jetty with -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.disablejsr199=true, which according to docs should force compiling use $JETTY_HOME/lib/jsp/org.eclipse.jdt.core-3.8.2.v20130121.jar (which is in the classpath), but nothing changed, the class loaded (and not found) is always the one from tools.jar

Any idea?
Andrea Cappelli

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