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Re: [jetty-users] Http Client Proxy

Hi All 

Iam using jetty client/http 7.4.4 jars & my http/https request times out when my setting the proxy . I tried with the jetty 9.0.4 client jars even then its the same. The time out happens. 

Can you please advise over this. ?

The sample code i wrote looks like this while using 9.0.4 jars
               HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new SslContextFactory(true));
String url = "" href="">";
URI uri = new URI(url);
String realm = "TestRealm";
String user = "userName";
String pass = "password";
ProxyConfiguration proxy = new ProxyConfiguration("proxyServer", 443);
AuthenticationStore store = client.getAuthenticationStore();
store.addAuthentication(new BasicAuthentication(uri, realm, user, pass));
Request req = client.POST(url);
ContentResponse response = client.POST(url).send();


The sample code i wrote looks like this while using 7.4.4 jars


Address proxy = new Address(proxyHost,Integer.parseInt(proxyPort));
Authentication auth = null;
try {
auth = new ProxyAuthorization(proxyUser, proxyPassword);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


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