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[jetty-users] How to configure Jetty 9 so x509 client certificate is transferred in https requests?

Hello all,

I'm trying to setup Jetty 9 so that client certificate is passed with HTTPs requests. I followed current instructions when setting up ssl (including certificates generation): I also have a dummy client certificate that I added to my FireFox certificates.

My very basic simple servlet that prints out value of
  request.getAttribute( "javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate" );

always prints null back instead of Object reference. The odd thing is that server doesn't "ask" for user certificate when I call servlet (i.o.w. there is no popup "select certificate", as it is for instance when I connect to Apache's ssl connection) via https://myserver:8443/simple-servlet.

I have a working setup with Jetty 6.1.26 and AJP connector (so request chain looks like Apache:443 -> Jetty's AJP:8009). In this environment, the same servlet outputs an Object reference (naturally, url is slightly different, https://myserver:443/simple-servlet).

I wonder whether I'm missing something in my Jetty 9 ssl/https configuration files? So far I only found a number of references to setting "NeedClientAuth" property to true for SslContextFactory, but doing that only causes the request to be aborted by Jetty (nothing gets logged in stderr, but I can see that in Firebug's NET tab). It also is very possible I'm missing something obvious, or trying to do something that is impossible -- this area is fairly new to me.

I can provide my current config files if that's needed.

Thanks in advance,

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