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[jetty-users] How to prevent a request URI to be converted to its canonical form?


I've got a question about jetty-server. What will be a good way to
make HTTPChannel not to convert a request path to its canonical form?
We built a RESTful web service on top of Jetty and we don't want
HTTPChannel to convert URI like "/a/../b" and "/.." into "/b" and "/"
(or error 400) respectively.

We're currently using Jetty 8.1.x, and will move to Jetty 9 soon. We
developed a list of handlers and don't use the default handlers like

I checked the source code of Jetty 9 and found that
HTTPChannel#onFillable() calls URIUtil.canonicalPath() to convert the

We'd prefer not to edit Jetty's source code. But the only way I've
came up with is to extend of HttpCannel and related classes to
customize the behavior of #onFillable(). This doesn't seem an elegant
solution as we'll have to extend all of the following classes:

- Extend HttpChannel to override #onFillable()
- Extend HttpConnection to replace it's private inner class HttpChannelOverHttp
- Extend HttpConnectionFactory to override #newConnection()
- Extend nio.NetworkTrafficSelectChannelConnector's to override the

Is there any better way?  Perhaps we should contribute a patch for
Jetty to make this conversion configurable via HttpConfiguration?
(e.g. <Set name="canonicalizeUri">false</Set>)


Tatsuya Kawano (Mr.)
Tokyo, Japan

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