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[jetty-users] Jetty 7.6.10.v20130312 / Jetty 8.1.10.v20130312 Released!

Hot on the heels of our Jetty 9 release, we have released updates to our two mature versions.  We will continue releasing updates to 7 and 8, roughly every couple of months for the foreseeable future.


Releases are available in Maven Central as well.


The list of changes are:

jetty-7.6.10.v20130312 - 12 March 2013
 + 376273 Early EOF because of SSL Protocol Error on
 + 381521 allow compress methods to be configured
 + 394064 ensure that JarFile instances are closed on JarFileResource.release()
 + 398649 ServletContextListener.contextDestroyed() is not called on
   ContextHandler unregistration
 + 399703 made encoding error handling consistent
 + 399799 do not hold lock while calling invalidation listeners
 + 399967 Shutdown hook calls destroy
 + 400040 NullPointerException in HttpGenerator.prepareBuffers
 + 400142 ConcurrentModificationException in JDBC SessionManger
 + 400144 When loading a session fails the JDBCSessionManger produces duplicate
   session IDs
 + 400457 Thread context classloader hierarchy not searched when finding
   webapp's java:comp/env
 + 400859 limit max size of writes from cached content
 + 401211 Remove requirement for jetty-websocket.jar in WEB-INF/lib
 + 401317 Make Safari 5.x websocket support minVersion level error more clear
 + 401382 Prevent parseAvailable from parsing next chunk when previous has not
   been consumed. Handle no content-type in chunked request.
 + 401474 Performance problem in org.eclipse.jetty.annotation.AnnotationParser
 + 401531 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for "/*" <url-pattern> of
   <jsp-property-group> fix for multiple mappings to *.jsp
 + 401908 Enhance DosFilter to allow dynamic configuration of attributes.
 + 402048 org.eclipse.jetty.server.ShutdownMonitor doesn't stop after the jetty
   server is stopped
 + 402485 reseed secure random
 + 402735 to support status which is == check
 + 402833 Test harness for global error page and hide exception message from
   reason string
(no changes for jetty@codehaus for jetty 7)

jetty-8.1.10.v20130312 - 12 March 2013
 + 376273 Early EOF because of SSL Protocol Error on
 + 381521 allow compress methods to be configured
 + 392129 fixed handling of timeouts after startAsync
 + 394064 ensure that JarFile instances are closed on JarFileResource.release()
 + 398649 ServletContextListener.contextDestroyed() is not called on
   ContextHandler unregistration
 + 399703 made encoding error handling consistent
 + 399799 do not hold lock while calling invalidation listeners
 + 399967 Shutdown hook calls destroy
 + 400040 NullPointerException in HttpGenerator.prepareBuffers
 + 400142 ConcurrentModificationException in JDBC SessionManger
 + 400144 When loading a session fails the JDBCSessionManger produces duplicate
   session IDs
 + 400312 ServletContextListener.contextInitialized() is not called when added
   in ServletContainerInitializer.onStartup
 + 400457 Thread context classloader hierarchy not searched when finding
   webapp's java:comp/env
 + 400859 limit max size of writes from cached content
 + 401211 Remove requirement for jetty-websocket.jar in WEB-INF/lib
 + 401317 Make Safari 5.x websocket support minVersion level error more clear
 + 401382 Prevent parseAvailable from parsing next chunk when previous has not
   been consumed. Handle no content-type in chunked request.
 + 401474 Performance problem in org.eclipse.jetty.annotation.AnnotationParser
 + 401485 zip file closed exception
 + 401531 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for "/*" <url-pattern> of
   <jsp-property-group> fix for multiple mappings to *.jsp
 + 401908 Enhance DosFilter to allow dynamic configuration of attributes.
 + 402048 org.eclipse.jetty.server.ShutdownMonitor doesn't stop after the jetty
   server is stopped
 + 402485 reseed secure random
 + 402735 to support status which is == check
 + 402833 Test harness for global error page and hide exception message from
   reason string
jetty@codehaus-8.1.10.v20130312 - 12 March 2013
 + 400312 ServletContextListener.contextInitialized() is not called when added
   in ServletContainerInitializer.onStartup

jesse mcconnell

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