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[jetty-users] Making SSL renegotiation work in Jetty 9

FInally I had some time to work again on the issue, and I've managed to make it work (kind of)

I've created a custom version of ClientCertAuthenticator which triggers a SSL Handshake if the request doesn't have a X509Certificate chain.

I added this in validateRequest:

            if (certs == null) {

      "Trying SSL client cert renegotiation");

for (EndPoint endpoint : HttpChannel.getCurrentHttpChannel().getConnector().getConnectedEndPoints())

if (endpoint.getConnection() instanceof SslConnection) { SslConnection sslConnection = (SslConnection)endpoint.getConnection();
                        SSLEngine engine = sslConnection.getSSLEngine();

//if (doEndpointHandshake(engine, sslConnection.getEndPoint())) { // MODO 1 if (doManualHandshake(engine, sslConnection.getEndPoint())) { // MODO 2 // Correct Handshake, but client can send no certificate // (We used want, not need), so underlying handlers can do the real authentication
                            // (or show a custom access error)
                            try {
certs = (X509Certificate[])engine.getSession().getPeerCertificates();
request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate", certs);
                            catch(SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) {
LOG.warn("Renegotiation worked, but no cert presented");


I tried two handshake modes. First, using the DecryptedEndpoint fill and flush stuff. It manages all the handshaking theoretically, but I can't make it work. The problem seems to be in the way browsers manage certificate renegotiation. I'm not completeley sure of this, but when they have to show the user a dialog for certificate selection, they close the current connection, and when the selection is made, they make another attempt, in this case with the certificate data ready to be transferred.

private boolean doEndpointHandshake(SSLEngine engine, EndPoint endpoint) throws IOException, ClosedHandshakeException {


SslConnection sslConnection = (SslConnection)endpoint.getConnection(); // int appBufferSize = engine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize(); return sslConnection.getDecryptedEndPoint().flush(ByteBuffer.allocate(0));


So finally I ended up implementing another method, doing manually all the handshaking through the SSLEngine. Men, that's not easy! If the socket gets closed, I "suicide" myself throug a runtime exception, to avoid trying to write an error response, and in the next call from the browsers it works!

The problem is that the implementation works sometimes, but it is buggy, mainly because I don't really understand all the underlying technology
    - SSL/TLS Protocol and its subtleties
- Jetty IO model (NIO and all the filling/flushing), with all the callbacks, etc. - How browsers behave in the renegotiation (Looks like they close the first connection and then try again)

So, I would highly appreciate some help on the matter, some pointers or directions on how to make it more reliable, or at least some advice about if I should mess with this or not...


private boolean doManualHandshake(SSLEngine engine, EndPoint endpoint) throws IOException, ClosedHandshakeException {

        if (!(endpoint instanceof ChannelEndPoint))
            return false;
        ChannelEndPoint channelEndPoint = (ChannelEndPoint)endpoint;

        ByteChannel socketChannel = channelEndPoint.getChannel();

// WARN I create some buffers for net data. I asumme Jetty buffers doesn't have anything pending
        SSLSession session = engine.getSession();
ByteBuffer myNetData = ByteBuffer.allocate(session.getPacketBufferSize()); ByteBuffer peerNetData = ByteBuffer.allocate(session.getPacketBufferSize());
        // Fin ojo

        // Create byte buffers to use for holding application data.
        // In handshake shouldn't be any app data reading or writing
        int appBufferSize = engine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize();
        ByteBuffer myAppData = ByteBuffer.allocate(appBufferSize);
        ByteBuffer peerAppData = ByteBuffer.allocate(appBufferSize);

        // Begin handshake
        try {

if (endpoint.isInputShutdown() || !engine.getSession().isValid()) {
      "Handshake impossible. Endpoint shutdown");
                return false;

SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus hs = engine.getHandshakeStatus();

            // Process handshaking message
            while (hs != SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.FINISHED &&
                hs != SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.NOT_HANDSHAKING) {

                if (hs == HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP)
                     // Receive handshaking data from peer
                    int readBytes =;
                    if (readBytes < 0) {
                        throw new ClosedHandshakeException();

                    // Process incoming handshaking data
SSLEngineResult res = engine.unwrap(peerNetData, peerAppData);
                    hs = res.getHandshakeStatus();

                    if (res.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) {
                        // peerNetData.compact();
// I assume we'll loop again with NEED_UNWRAP and data get's read again
                    else if (res.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_OVERFLOW) {
                        // peerAppData no debería rellenarse con nada
                    else if (res.getStatus() == Status.CLOSED) {
                        throw new ClosedHandshakeException();
                else if (hs == HandshakeStatus.NEED_WRAP) {
                     // Empty the local network packet buffer.

                    // Generate handshaking data
SSLEngineResult res = engine.wrap(myAppData, myNetData);
                    hs = res.getHandshakeStatus();

                    if (res.getStatus() == Status.OK) {

                        // Send the handshaking data to peer
                        while (myNetData.hasRemaining()) {
                            if (socketChannel.write(myNetData) < 0) {
                                throw new ClosedHandshakeException();
                    else if (res.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) {
// No real reading from myAppData in handshake, this shouldn't happen
                    else if (res.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_OVERFLOW) {
                        // Enlarge myNetData buffer size?
                    else if (res.getStatus() == Status.CLOSED) {
                        throw new ClosedHandshakeException();
                else if (hs == HandshakeStatus.NEED_TASK) {
                    Runnable task;
                    while ((task=engine.getDelegatedTask()) != null) {
                        // new Thread(task).start();
                        // Por ahora en el mismo hilo y bloqueante
                    hs = engine.getHandshakeStatus();

            return true;

        } catch (ClosedHandshakeException e) {
            LOG.warn("Error during renegotiation handshake");
            throw e;
//            return false;


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