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[jetty-users] Jetty 9.0.0.M5 available

What should be the last milestone release of Jetty 9 is now available for download fromĀ and within maven central.

Look for releases of Jetty 7,8 and the first RC for 9 within the next couple of weeks.

The largest change was a usability refactor of the websocket api between M4 and M5 stemming from feedback from the CometD project.

Otherwise the changes in this release are:

jetty-9.0.0.M5 - 19 January 2013
 + 367638 throw exception for excess form keys
 + 381521 Only set Vary header when content could be compressed
 + 391623 Making --stop with STOP.WAIT perform graceful shutdown
 + 393158 java.lang.IllegalStateException when sending an empty InputStream
 + 393220 remove dead code from ServletHandler and log ServletExceptions in
   warn instead of debug
 + 393733 WebSocketClient interface should support multiple connections
 + 395885 ResourceCache should honor useFileMappedBuffer if set
 + 396253 FilterRegistration wrong order
 + 396459 Log specific message for empty request body for multipart mime
 + 396500 HttpClient Exchange takes forever to complete when less content sent
   than Content-Length
 + 396886 MultiPartFilter strips bad escaping on filename="..."
 + 397110 Accept %uXXXX encodings in URIs
 + 397111 Tolerate empty or excessive whitespace preceeding MultiParts
 + 397112 Requests with byte-range throws NPE if requested file has no mimetype
   (eg no file extension)
 + 397114 run-forked with waitForChild=false can lock up
 + 397130 maxFormContentSize set in jetty.xml is ignored
 + 397190 improve ValidUrlRule to iterate on codepoints
 + 397321 Wrong condition in default start.config for annotations
 + 397535 Support pluggable alias checking to support symbolic links
 + 397769 TimerScheduler does not relinquish cancelled tasks.
 + 398105 Clean up WebSocketPolicy
 + 398285 ProxyServlet mixes cookies from different clients.
 + 398337 UTF-16 percent encoding in UTF-16 form content
 + 398582 Move lib/jta jar into lib/jndi
 + JETTY-1533 handle URL with no path

jesse mcconnell

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