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[jetty-users] Jetty: Extract in temp directory extracts at two places.

I have Jetty 7.6.4 in prod. We deploy our webapp as war file. By default, it extracts the file under /tmp directory which gets washed away when /tmp gets purged, periodically.

To resolve this issue, I have followed the instruction provided here[1]. I set a different tempDir in jetty-webapp.xml:

[root@server1 etc]# grep "tempDir" *.xml
jetty-webapps.xml: <Set name="tempDir">/mnt/jetty_tmp</Set>

This works, but the problem now is, I see the war gets extracted at two places -- under /tmp (the default tempDir location) and under /mnt/jetty_tmp (the new tempDir). I do not want the file to be extracted under /tmp. How can I achieve this?

Please help me in resolving this issue.



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