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[jetty-users] Scalability of ProxyServlet$Transparent and Tomcat


I have set up a basic web application to try out the Transparent servlet. The relevant block of my web.xml reads:


I'm using version 8.1.1.v20120215 of jetty-servlet, and I'm deploying to Tomcat 7.0.21.

A server is listening on http://localhost:8080/, and it takes 5 seconds to serve each request that it receives (the response is a few characters).

In my tests I'm firing several simultaneous requests to the server, proxied through the Transparent servlet. 

Now, from what I know about the Transparent, I would expect that Tomcat's HTTP thread pool doesn't limit the number of concurrent requests; as soon as a new request comes in, it should be immediately handed over to a thread of Transparent's own pool, which in turn does the proxying job using asynchronous IO. 

Instead, what I observe is that the size of Tomcat's pool IS the limit for concurrent requests. Did I misunderstand the functioning and purpose of the Transparent? Or is this just a "feature" of the combination Tomcat + Jetty servlet?

Hoping that someone will shed some light on this.


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