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[jetty-users] embedded jetty server - problems retrieving static resources

I have an application that embeds a jetty server inside it (latest version 8.1.2, though I had the same behaviour in 8.0). The web application that gets loaded in the server is a spring based web application. A problem that appears anytime i wish (and with any browser) is that some static resources do not get loaded (the browser waits for it, blocking the loading of the page itself). Which static resource blocks the loading of the page is random every time. I tried serving the static resources via spring with <mvc:resources mapping="/js/**" location="/WEB-INF/resources/js/"/>, still the same behaviour.
Now, i'm just serving them with jetty alone.
While the page loading block appears more often with Chrome, it can be easily triggered with Firefox by simply doing a Ctrl+R after the home page loaded for the first time. Just by clicking on the links from within the page doesn't trigger the block in Firefox. I am thinking that I probably am not configuring the jetty server properly, therefore I would appreciate any help i can get.

The full code of the server setup class is pasted on pastebin: .
Here are the relevant portions of the code:
AbstractConnector connector = new SelectChannelConnector();
        connector.setPort(options.getPort()); //8080
connector.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(options.getMaxThreads()));//254 max threads
WebAppContext    context = new WebAppContext(getClass().getResource(
"/com/zergiu/tvman/web").toExternalForm(), "/"); //the entire website is under the com.zergiu.tvman.web package.
        context.setConfigurationClasses(new String[] {
                "" });


If more information is needed, please let me know.
Thank you for the help,

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