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[jetty-users] Jetty 7.6.1 and 8.1.1 released!

I have released an incremental update to the jetty 7.6 and 8.1
releases from a few weeks back.



Of particular note in these releases are a fix to usage of the --exec
in the start.ini, it was largely broken in the last release generating
some incorrect paths and then a few fixes to the nosql mongo session


jetty-7.6.1.v20120215 - 15 February 2012
 + 369121 simplified test
 + 370120 jvm arguments added via start.ini and --exec are missing spaces
 + 370137 SslContextFactory does not respect order for
   [included|excluded]Protocols() and [included|excluded]CipherSuites().
 + 370368 resolve stack overflow in mongo db session manager
 + 370386 Remove META-INF from jetty distro
 + 371040 nosqlsession needs to call correct super contructor for new sessions
 + 371041 valid was not being set to new mongo db sessions, and the call to
   mongodb api was wrong in isIdInUse
 + 371162 NPE protection for nested security handlers
 + JETTY-1484 Add option for HashSessionManager to delete session files if it
   can't restore them

jetty@codehaus-7.6.1.v20120215 - 15 February 2012
 + 370386 Remove META-INF from hightide distro
 + JETTY-1480 jspc-maven-plugin does not find jstl tags
 + JETTY-1481 Change jetty-atomikos to be type jar so its dependencies can be
   used in jetty-hightide
 + JETTY-1482 fix path in setuid configuration

jetty-8.1.1.v20120215 - 15 February 2012
 + 369121 simplified test
 + 370120 jvm arguments added via start.ini and --exec are missing spaces
 + 370137 SslContextFactory does not respect order for
   [included|excluded]Protocols() and [included|excluded]CipherSuites().
 + 370368 resolve stack overflow in mongo db session manager
 + 370386 Remove META-INF from jetty distro
 + 371040 nosqlsession needs to call correct super contructor for new sessions
 + 371041 valid was not being set to new mongo db sessions, and the call to
   mongodb api was wrong in isIdInUse
 + 371162 NPE protection for nested security handlers
 + JETTY-1484 Add option for HashSessionManager to delete session files if it
   can't restore them

jetty@codehaus-8.1.1.v20120215 - 15 February 2012
 + 370386 Remove META-INF from hightide distro
 + JETTY-1480 jspc-maven-plugin does not find jstl tags
 + JETTY-1481 Change jetty-atomikos to be type jar so its dependencies can be
   used in jetty-hightide
 + JETTY-1482 fix path in setuid configuration

jesse mcconnell

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