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[jetty-users] New user; IPAccessHandler doesn't seem to be behaving as expected

Hi All-

I've updated an app that embeds jetty to host solr to now filter IP's via IPAccessHandler but it seems to be blocking all IPs/not working correctly.  After sifting through the thin body of internet knowledge about this particular handler, I came up empty about how I might be misconfiguring it.

Below is a snippet of my usage:

Set<String> myWhitelistIPs = ImmutableSet.of("");
Set<String> myBlacklistIPs = ImmutableSet.of();
IPAccessHandler handler = new IPAccessHandler(myWhitelistIPs.toArray(new String[]{}), myBlacklistIPs.toArray(new String[]{}));
HandlerCollection hc = new HandlerCollection(true);
Server jetty = new Server(30000);

Offhand, does anyone see something I might be doing wrong?  The version of Solr it's hosting(if it's significant) is v1.3.0 and my version of Jetty is 7.4.5.

Mike Kohout

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