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[jetty-users] Jetty 7.4.3.v20110701 Released

We are please to announce that Jetty 7.4.3 has been released.

It is now available in maven central, from our eclipse download site
and the hightide extensions are available from our codehaus download



RPM and DEB's will be available soon, we are waiting on a plugin
release and then we'll get those out.


Issues Resolved:

jetty-7.4.3.v20110701 01 July 2011
 + 295832 ProxyServlet more extensible and configurable
 + 302566 GZIP handler for embedded Jetty servers
 + 308851 Converted HttpExchangeTest and related tests to JUnit 4
 + 324704 JDBC Session Manager reloading session
 + 332200 Eliminate expected exceptions from log while using
org.eclipse.jetty.jmx bundle
 + 347468 o.e.j.deploy.binding.GlobalWebappConfigBindingTest fails on
Windows platform
 + 347617 Dynamically install/update/remove OSGi bundles discovered in
the contexts folder
 + 347717 start.jar destroys dependent child of --exec
 + 347889 OSGi should follow directive visibility:=reexport for
META-INF/web-fragments and resources
 + 347898 Close channel on JVM exceptions
 + 348652 starts two unix processes
 + 348935 Close A tag in directory listing
 + 349344 Passing empty query string to UrlEncoded#decodeTo(String,
MultiMap, String) does not yield an empty map
 + 349738 set buffer sizes for http client in proxy servlet
 + 349870 proxy servlet protect continuation against fast failing exchanges
 + 349896 SCEP supports zero maxIdleTime
 + 349897 draft -09 websockets
 + 349997 MBeanContainer uses weak references
 + 350533 Add "Origin" to the list of allowed headers in CrossOriginFilter
 + 350634 Cleanup FileResource construction
 + 350642 Don't close SCEP during NIOBuffer manipulation
 + JETTY-1342 Recreate selector in change task
 + JETTY-1385 NPE in jetty client's
 + JETTY-1390 RewriteHandler handles encoded URIs

jesse mcconnell

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