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[jetty-users] RequestDispatcher and j_security_check

I am updating my project that uses jetty from 6.1.22 to 7.2.2.v20101205. The only problem I am having is with form authentication.

My current app uses a struts login page that does some authentication and session processing. If everything is OK I forward the request to j_security_check as follows:

RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("j_security_check?j_username=" + userName + "&j_password=" + password);
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

While this worked in 6.1.22, in 7.2.2.v20101205 it gives the following error:

HTTP ERROR 404 - Problem accessing /agent/j_security_check - Reason: Not Found

Here is the applicable log:

11:04:36,034 INFO  [LoggedInUser] Logged In - UserName: SJARDINE
11:04:36,034 DEBUG [log] sessionManager=org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.HashSessionManager@301abf87 11:04:36,034 DEBUG [log] session=org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.HashSessionManager$Session:hdcgj2yc9x46@1550233707
11:04:36,034 DEBUG [log] servlet=default
11:04:36,034 DEBUG [log] servlet holder=
11:04:36,034 DEBUG [log] chain=
11:04:36,035 DEBUG [log] RESOURCE /j_security_check=null
11:04:36,035 DEBUG [log] RESOURCE /j_security_check=null
11:04:36,035 DEBUG [log] resource=null
11:04:36,035 DEBUG [ssl] [Session-1, SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL] wrap wrap Status = OK HandshakeStatus = NOT_HANDSHAKING
bytesConsumed = 1711 bytesProduced = 1749
11:04:36,035 DEBUG [ssl] [Session-1, SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL] Flushed 1749/1749
11:04:36,035 DEBUG [log] RESPONSE /agent/  404

Does anyone know why the request dispatcher cannot find the j_security_check when I attempt to forward? If so, is there a way to accomplish a similar result without a lot of refactoring?


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