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Re: [jetty-users] Serving JSPs from Jetty - What am I missing

ah yes ok..

the classes in those 'gaggle' of jars are in maven central...the
artifacts that your seeing in our distribution are merely a
decomposition of the existing (in maven central) jars down into a few
additional jars because that is the way osgi wants to do it...

I'll assign that issue to myself and see if I can think of a way to
clean that up a bit better.

getting bug 283745 handled someday would make all this pain go
away...but I wouldn't hold your breath.


jesse mcconnell

On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 08:48, Benson Margulies <bimargulies@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> as linked to by Michael?
> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Jesse McConnell
> <jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> which bugzilla?
>> --
>> jesse mcconnell
>> jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx
>> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 08:25, Benson Margulies <bimargulies@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Jesse,
>>> Did you ever remove the <scope>provided</scope> that I already noted in the bz?
>>> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Jesse McConnell
>>> <jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> if you do figure out something thats not right or not easily usable do
>>>> bug it in bugzilla
>>>> thanks!
>>>> jesse
>>>> --
>>>> jesse mcconnell
>>>> jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx
>>>> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 07:57, Benson Margulies <bimargulies@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Cefn,
>>>>> if you look at the bottom of that bugzilla, you will see that it notes
>>>>> that there is a (mistaken?) use of the Maven 'provided' scope which
>>>>> results in the dependencies being effectively not declared -- or at
>>>>> least there was when I went through this before.
>>>>> --benson
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Cefn Hoile
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for your pointers, Michael. Really useful and I got JSPs up and
>>>>>> running on Jetty 7 in no time. Couple of quick notes.
>>>>>> In the maven ids available to me there wasn't a 'jetty-server-all',
>>>>>> but there was a 'jetty-server' under org.eclipse.jetty.aggregate which
>>>>>> sounded close to what you were suggesting. I selected version 7.2.2 to
>>>>>> avoid the IP issues you mention about the version 8 deps.
>>>>>> I'm still relying on Jasper I think, but only as loaded through
>>>>>> glassfish, so I stuck with my original binding to Jasper's JspServlet,
>>>>>> which seemed to work once I'd explicitly specified the root path with
>>>>>> ServletContextHandler#setResourceBase(".") pointing to the current
>>>>>> working directory before Server#start(). The resource base otherwise
>>>>>> defaults to null hence some of the problems I was experiencing before,
>>>>>> I guess.
>>>>>> I'm confused why org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jsp-2.1 isn't configured to
>>>>>> trigger a download of its dependencies. I can see the dependencies
>>>>>> mentioned in its POM, but it lists them as 'provided', meaning it
>>>>>> doesn't automatically cause them to be requested from the repo, and I
>>>>>> have to manually add them. Funnily enough the combination of jetty and
>>>>>> jetty-jsp-2.1 was one of the original combinations I tried. When I
>>>>>> found jetty-jsp-2.1 loaded a single jar with a single logging class
>>>>>> file and nothing else to do with JSPs I assumed I was doing the wrong
>>>>>> thing and looked elsewhere.
>>>>>> Is this issue with dependency declarations a bug which needs reporting?
>>>>>> For others seeking a similar configuration I also needed to add the
>>>>>> jetty-servlet dependency explicitly to give me DefaultServlet for
>>>>>> static fileserving, although I suppose there are a few configurations
>>>>>> which wouldn't require this.
>>>>>> Cefn
>>>>>> On 24 December 2010 01:09, Michael Gorovoy <michael@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> All Jetty 7 releases starting with Jetty 7.1 contain JSP support out of the
>>>>>>> box using Glassfish binaries, so you should not add a Jasper dependency to
>>>>>>> your project. Please refer to Bug 330418 for the explanation of the Maven
>>>>>>> dependencies of Jetty JSP support module. The JSP support modules for Jetty
>>>>>>> 8 are undergoing the IP process at the Eclipse Foundation. If you would like
>>>>>>> to use Jetty 8 with JSP support, your best bet is to download Jetty Hightide
>>>>>>> distribution from Codehaus.
>>>>>>> If you are starting the server programmatically, your should use one of the
>>>>>>> Jetty aggregate modules (e.g. jetty-server-all) that contains everything you
>>>>>>> would need to start and run Jetty server as your Maven project dependency.
>>>>>>> Your JSP files should be located in the root directory or sub-directories of
>>>>>>> the root directory of your web application. Please refer to
>>>>>>> from examples-jetty-embedded module for the example of how
>>>>>>> to start embedded Jetty that contains web application support.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Cefn Hoile
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello all, having christmas fun configuring Jetty. I have hello world
>>>>>>>> and freemarker servlets working but I'm stuck getting it to serve
>>>>>>>> JSPs.
>>>>>>>> From what I can see, I should use Jasper with Jetty to get JSP
>>>>>>>> support. Reckon I have the JspServlet loading and serving without
>>>>>>>> Exceptions, but I think it's failing to find .jsp files, and I've
>>>>>>>> tried putting them in the working directory, in WEB-INF, and various
>>>>>>>> other places with no luck.
>>>>>>>> I'm guessing there's some option for Jasper which is automagically
>>>>>>>> configured in a Tomcat setup which I'll have to do explicitly for
>>>>>>>> Jetty, but I don't know what. The init params for JspServlet offer no
>>>>>>>> useful control variables about pointing to .jsp files...
>>>>>>>> Jetty is launched explicitly like...
>>>>>>>> Server server = new Server(8080);
>>>>>>>> ...and I have the equivalent of web.xml wiring all requests for JSPs
>>>>>>>> to the jasper JspServlet class, which looks like this in Guice...
>>>>>>>> serve("*.jsp").with(JspServlet.class);
>>>>>>>> ...but when a jsp is actually routed to the JspServlet it responds...
>>>>>>>> HTTP ERROR: 404
>>>>>>>> Problem accessing /index.jsp. Reason:
>>>>>>>>    /index.jsp
>>>>>>>> Powered by Jetty://
>>>>>>>> Am I right in thinking I can use Jasper's JspServlet to give me JSPs
>>>>>>>> on Jetty? The Jetty docs are pretty sketchy on JSPs, and everything
>>>>>>>> else on the subject points to Tomcat.
>>>>>>>> If Jasper is the right way to go, what configuration step am I
>>>>>>>> missing, e.g. to somehow tell Jasper where to look for .jsp files?
>>>>>>>> Given the mysterious error message, perhaps there's a missing
>>>>>>>> dependency? If so, can anyone tell me what dependencies I need to add
>>>>>>>> to Jetty 8 in order to be able to serve JSPs (I've been adding many
>>>>>>>> combinations of things from Maven repos and no luck so far). Currently
>>>>>>>> the relevant dependencies in my POM are...
>>>>>>>> org.eclipse.jetty jetty-distribution 8.0.0.M2
>>>>>>>> org.eclipse.jetty jetty-jsp-2.1 7.22
>>>>>>>> javax.servlet jstl 1.2
>>>>>>>> org.apache.tomcat jsp-api 6.0.29
>>>>>>>> org.apache.tomcat jasper 6.0.29
>>>>>>>> If anyone can guide me to initialise Jasper's JspServlet correctly, or
>>>>>>>> suggest a alternate JSP engine with a known working configuration on
>>>>>>>> Jetty, that would be great.
>>>>>>>> Cefn
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