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Re: [jetty-users] Continuations in Jetty 7?


Here's 2 pages on eclipse that talk about continuations in jetty-7:



If you code to the jetty-7 api discussed in link 2 above, then
it will work on jetty-6 and jetty-7 (and any servlet 3.x container).

You need the jetty-continuations-7.x.jar in your webapp's WEB-INF/lib.

If you code to the jetty-7 api and then deploy in jetty-6 you'll get
a warning about the ConfigurationFilter (used for backward compatibility) not being configured. Here's the reference for it:

On 21/09/10 02:10, Kevin Jordan wrote:
I get now that I need the jetty-util-6 jar in there, but I'm having
problems making Jetty use it.  First I just dumped it in the lib
directory hoping Jetty would pick it up, but it didn't.  Then I tried it
in my webapp's lib directory and no luck there either.  Then I tried
adding it to the CLASSPATH env variable, but that didn't seem to do
anything either.

seems to get a NoClassFoundException.  Where do I need to put the
jetty-util-6 jar to get Jetty to load it so that part will work?

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Kevin Jordan <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:kevin@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    How are continuations supposed to be used in Jetty 7?  When I try to
    use them, I get !(Jetty || Servlet 3.0 || ContinuationFilter).  I
    have the ContinuationFilter on, but it seems to have initParameters
    for jetty6, partial, and faux continuations.  But I also look at
    ContinuationSupport and it seems to have references
    to org.mortbay.util.ajax.Continuation which is supposed to be
    renamed under the move to the org.eclipse package space.  Can anyone
    give me an example of how to set it up?  I can't seem to find much
    on the wiki in relation to doing it under Jetty 7.

jetty-users mailing list

Jan Bartel, Webtide LLC | janb@xxxxxxxxxxx |

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