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[jetty-dev] long response time lead to high CPU in jetty when using httpd server in front and a short timeout setting


I have a long response time CXF restful web service and I am using camel to expose this CXF endpoint. The response time is 2 mins.
At the same time I have the httpd as the front proxy while it has the setting timeout=60
<VirtualHost *:443>
      <Proxy balancer://cxfrs>
           BalancerMemberhttps://localhost:9292/demo/aaa  retry=10 timeout=60
      ProxyPass /demo/aaa balancer://cxfrs

When I visit the service through the below command several times(3~5 times):

curl -k --user admin:adminhttps://localhost:443/demo/aaa

after several mins, I can see the high cpu in the jetty through "top" command and the jetty code is running in an infinite loop.

Would you please help on this issue?

Best Regards,
Xiaohui(Vicky) Wu

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