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[jetty-dev] RequestDispatcher with a resource from a different OSGi bundle


I do have an OSGi setup with Jetty and Eclipse Equinox.

Now at some point I want to dispatch requests to different bundles. I
have one Dispatcher servlet (defined using web.xml), dispatching calls
to different services, registered within OSGi. Now each service should
provide its view using JSP, located in it own bundle.

So I am trying to forward/include the request to that bundle:

RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher ( path );
rd.include ( request, response );

Now path is something like "/WEB-INF/views/test.jsp" for the moment.
However, this file should be coming from a different bundle, than the
bundle which hosts or defined the servlet. So I was thinking about
something like "platform:/",
which does not work ;-)

Is there any way to do this with Jetty?

Thanks in advance


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