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[jetty-dev] Logging implementations

Hi guys,

I'm using the jetty-maven-plugin version 8.1.14.v20131031 and during startup I get this:

[DEBUG] Logging to org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(org.eclipse.jetty.util.log) via org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog

My application however uses Log4j2 as a logging implementation of slfj4. So instead of having:

log4j -routed to-> log4j2
jcl    -routed to -> log4j2
slf4j -routed to -> log4j2
jul    -routed to -> slf4j -routed to -> log4j2

i correctly get the output of log4j,jcl and log4j2,
but the jul and the slf4j do not get routed to log4j2!!!
As a result I have to configure now both - log4j and slf4j!!!

I don't think it's correct of you to log everything to SimpleLogger - this way you force the user to use the slf4j as their logging implementation. I think you should code against the slf4j-api and then ask the user to select whatever implementation they like.

Any suggestions on how to overcome this are welcome.

Regards, Petar!
Karlovo, Bulgaria.
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