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[jetty-dev] Fwd: Jetty Client 9.04 threads


I initially sent this message to jetty-users list (no reaction so far)
but maybe dev list is better idea.

Meanwhile, I found reason in source code why im seeing such behaviour,
but I do not understand motivation behind this - could somebody please
explain me this?

173     @Override
174     protected void doStart() throws Exception
175     {
176         if (sslContextFactory != null)
177         {
178             addBean(sslContextFactory);
179             // Avoid to double dispatch when using SSL
180             setDispatchIO(false);
181         }


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kamil Gorlo <kgorlo@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 6:48 PM
Subject: Jetty Client 9.04 threads
To: jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx


I see strange behaviour in my application using jetty async http
client (9.04), so I started to debug and then noticed not-obvious
thread usage by jetty client. I hope someone here will explain this to
me :)

Main question is: what for are "selector threads" and "worker" threads
(from executor in HttpClient) when using async http client?

Here is my first simple application:

When I run this code, I see that almost all callbacks are called from
executor thread (only first is from main thread, which is OK) and this
is expected.

But when I add SSL support:

Almost all callbacks are called from selector thread (also request
parsing, etc. happens in selector thread).

Is this bug or not? If not, please tell my why :)


Kamil Gorlo

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