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Re: [jetty-dev] disable expect continue support


On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Brad McEvoy <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the author of, a webdav server library for java.
> Recently i've been getting increasing number of milton users affected by
> Expect:Continue handling in servlet containers such as jetty
> The problem is that any servlet container which implements transparent
> handling of the Expect header (ie sends the 100 response before invoking the
> servlet) causes large performance problems for webdav for many important
> clients including Windows and Cyberduck - for example files will often get
> uploaded twice.

I am not sure I understand.
The implementation of 100-Continue in Jetty has followed the latest
interpretation that the Http-bis working group has agreed on.

Are you saying that Windows and Cyberduck clients do not implement
correctly 100-Continue and send the content twice ?
And that in order to workaround these buggy clients you would like to
disable 100-Continue support on the server side ?

The Servlet API do not provide any API for handling 100-Continue, so
this must be done by the container, "transparently".
If we don't do it, then we break compliant clients.
What Jetty does is this: if the application calls
HttpServletRequest.getInputStream(), it means that it has figured out
(by looking at the headers) that it can accept the content.
At that point, Jetty sends a 100-Continue response.
Jetty's HTTP client also supports 100-Continue.

We really would like to understand the problem better before adding a feature.
Do you have a dump of the request/response cycles that cause the problem ?

Thanks !

Simone Bordet
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