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Re: [jetty-dev] hanging JGit HTTP tests using Jetty 8.1.3.v20120416

2012/6/1 Joakim Erdfelt <joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Got an environment setup with the instructions at
( btw, the instructions at contributor guide on the wiki don't work - )

Well, I can get around your hanging by just using the default threadpool implementation.

The numbers you have for min/max threads + max queued are far to low and are what is happening is a thread pool starvation.
No threads available to serve the incoming requests.

Just use the default implementation and configuration.

What I changed.

Was able to test the entire stack with no errors or hangs this way.
Also, the two shutdown settings you used are for JVM shutdown.
Since you have a junit @After with server.stop() that is sufficient (that's the technique we use for unit testing within jetty ourselves)

thanks Joakim, this fixed the problem.

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