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[jetty-dev] SPDY window size update, a bug?


I have been playing around with Jetty's shiny new SPDY support and ran
into a problem where my SPDY sessions were timing out, apparently
because a PING response wasn't being sent to the client (Chrome 17).

I tracked this down to StandardSession, where a flush call was being
skipped with two items in the queue, a DataFrame and the PingFrame
response. The flush was skipped because DataFrameBytes.getByteBuffer()
was returning null, which in turn was caused by the Stream window size
being <= 0.

When the complete() method of DataFrameBytes is called it calls

Is that correct? I don't follow the logic for updating the window size
that way, but I am very new to both SPDY and the Jetty code base.
Removing the window size update does fix the client PING timeouts.


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