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[jetty-dev] Jetty 7.5.4.v20111024 and Jetty 8.0.4.v20111024 Released

I have released a new minor bugfix release for Jetty.  The artifacts
are already in maven central.





jetty-7.5.4.v20111024 - 24 October 2011
 + 358263 JDBCSessionIdManager add setDatasource(DataSource) method
 + 358649 Replace existing StdErrLog system properties for DEBUG/IGNORED with
   LEVEL instead.
 + 360836 Accept parameters with bad UTF-8. Use replacement character
 + 360912 CrossOriginFilter does not send Access-Control-Allow-Origin on
   responses. 355103 Make allowCredentials default to true in
 + 360938 Connections closed after a while.
 + 361319 Log initialization does not catch correct exceptions on all jvms
 + 361325 359292 Allow KeyStore to be set
 + 361456 release timer task on connection failed
 + 361655 ExecutorThreadPool.isLowOnThreads() returns wrong value.
 + JETTY-1444 start threadpool before selector manager

jetty@codehaus-7.5.4.v20111024 - 24 October 2011
 + JETTY-1443 Corrected property names in jetty-setuid.xml
 + JETTY-1446 jetty-setuid is not unpacked to jetty-hightide

jetty-8.0.4.v20111024 - 24 October 2011
 + 358263 JDBCSessionIdManager add setDatasource(DataSource) method
 + 358649 Replace existing StdErrLog system properties for DEBUG/IGNORED with
   LEVEL instead.
 + 360836 Accept parameters with bad UTF-8. Use replacement character
 + 360912 CrossOriginFilter does not send Access-Control-Allow-Origin on
   responses. 355103 Make allowCredentials default to true in
 + 360938 Connections closed after a while.
 + 361135 secure cookies for sessions
 + 361319 Log initialization does not catch correct exceptions on all jvms
 + 361325 359292 Allow KeyStore to be set
 + 361456 release timer task on connection failed
 + 361655 ExecutorThreadPool.isLowOnThreads() returns wrong value.
 + JETTY-1444 start threadpool before selector manager

jetty@codehaus-8.0.4.v20111024 - 24 October 2011
 + JETTY-1443 Corrected property names in jetty-setuid.xml
 + JETTY-1446 jetty-setuid is not unpacked to jetty-hightide

jesse mcconnell

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