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[jetty-dev] How to use SetUIDServer in 7.2.22?

I'm looking at moving my jetty server from port 8080 to port 80 on a CentOS 5 linux system.  The docs at seem misleading.  They say they refer to the 'new' setuid feature in jetty 6.1, so perhaps they are not valid for jetty 7.x?

I'd like to use the setuid feature, but cannot find the SetUIDServer class in the jetty release.  This is referred to in a mailing list post which seems to have gone without answer.  I also can't see a jetty-setuid.xml config file.

I also cannot find the org_mortbay_setuid_SetUID.c source file it says to build.  I fetched jetty with:

svn co svn:// ./

and it seems to contain no such source file.

Should jetty's setuid mechanism work in 7.x?

I tried the xinetd approach with jetty running on 8080, however my virtualhost config seems to mean that the known contexts include "/ @ ---> o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{/,file:/var/www/html/,}", and a GET request to results in a 404 Not Found.

I'm going to go look at the commons-daemon approach mentioned in a comment on that wiki page, but I'm not sure how easy that's going to be to set up.


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